
How We Met

The first time I met him (J) it was at a group social event I host at a local restaurant. As he and his girlfriend (B) had faces I’d not seen before I popped to their table to say hello and introduce myself as I had done with the other new faces. As I sat, my meal arrived so I stayed to chat.

B was sitting next to me, J was sitting across from me, and another fella on the other side of me. I mostly chatted with B that day. It turned out we were both from the same home state and knew two people in common. We were around the same age and I was hopeful that I had just made a new friend to do random things with.

One of the things I noticed was J’s blue eyes, so clear and piercing. I had the hardest time making eye contact with him which was not normal at all for me. Another thing I noticed was that every time I asked B a personal question she would look to J and he would nod. I recognized their dynamic right away. He was her dominant and she his submissive.

It hit me why I couldn’t look at him. He had that natural dominance. Something I very rarely see in the hundreds of “dominants” I have come across in my few years in this lifestyle. I was intimidated, something that doesn’t happen to me except on a rare occasion.

After the gathering I sent them both a message saying how it was lovely to meet them both. B and I made plans about a month later to get together and we’ve been friends since. As they live together, he and I became friends as well.